Frustrated parents are pushing for an urgent safety review of a dangerous speeding hotspot near city schools.

On July 29, Labour councillors and the Town Close Labour community teamed up with the Hall Road Traffic Action Group.

They aim to shed light on excessive speeding issues in Hall Road in Lakenham, appealing to the Conservative-led County Council for a prompt safety reassessment, especially in the areas between the inner and outer ring roads.

The coalition's plea comes in the footsteps of recurrent accidents during school commuting times, the most recent of which occurred in March.

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Studies reveal that more than 70pc of the estimated 8,000 daily vehicles using the road infringe the 20mph limit.

What's more, the collected data suggests many motorists go well above that limit, often behaving like 30mph is the accepted maximum speed.

Labour Councillor for Lakenham, Carli Harper, stressed the urgent need for action due to the road's proximity to four schools and a recognised accident hotspot.

Ms Harper said: "We are calling on the Conservative-led County Council to take urgent action with this stretch of Hall Road.

"There have already been several serious incidents on this stretch of road.

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"Residents are rightly frustrated at the lack of action from County Hall on this, and I share their concerns about the safety of children attending the local schools.”

Labour's Lisa Alston plans to press the Norfolk County Council Cabinet to commit to a safety audit date at the upcoming August 5 meeting.

Additionally, they will urge the authorities to address the three dimmed zebra crossings and enforce stricter rules against illicit parking to ensure better visibility during drop-off and pick-up school times.

Ms Alston said: “I want to see the County Council commit to a specific date to complete a safety audit, to give residents the certainty they need.”