Bags of waste continue to pile up around the city after another set of communal bins were left to fester for two weeks.

People living in and around Recreation Road have been forced to deal with a "disgusting" smell after six large bins were left uncollected.

Jodie Rowe, 32, lives nearby and said: "It was an eyesore.

The overflowing bins just off of Recreation RoadThe overflowing bins just off of Recreation Road (Image: Jodie Rowe)

"There was flies everywhere and the rubbish was being strewn about all over the pavement and road, so it looked and smelled disgusting.

"I rang the council three times, once last week and twice the week before, which was referred to their services to investigate.

"It's not even clear online when the collection day is due because the bins aren't on the map.

"I had to use other bins which were being collected because ours were overflowing.

Jodie Rowe, who lives nearby, said the bins were giving off a disgusting smellJodie Rowe, who lives nearby, said the bins were giving off a disgusting smell (Image: Jodie Rowe)

"So many people mentioned it and are frustrated about the council's lack of action."

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Despite being emptied earlier this week, Jodie worries that it could be another two weeks before the bins are collected again.

"It feels like we've been left out with no explanation as to why.

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"Binmen have come to collect rubbish in other parts of the area during the last couple of weeks, so I don't know why ours have been left."

Jodie said she contacted the council three times, over a two week span, to try and get the waste collectedJodie said she contacted the council three times, over a two week span, to try and get the waste collected (Image: Jodie Rowe)

In previous weeks rubbish around the city has been left unchecked and not disposed of, leaving Norwich to become a dumping ground.

Last week this newspaper reported rubbish strewed around beauty spots, such as Wensum Park, this summer which attracted an influx of rats, leading to some families shunning their local parks.

On Tuesday another set of communal bins in, Gristock Close, were left for three weeks despite the council forking out more than £21,000 on them earlier in the year.

Norwich City Council have been contacted for comment on the matter.

The bins are located just off of Recreation RoadThe bins are located just off of Recreation Road (Image: Google Maps)