A major project providing essential homes for the gypsy and traveller community in Norwich is finally complete.

The two-year £3.5 million scheme is a joint venture between Broadland Housing Association and Norwich City Council in Swanton Road.

It aimed to construct new buildings and refurbish old ones to provide modern, energy-efficient and comfortable living spaces for folk.

Some 16 new pitches, alongside fully-insulated dayrooms offering a kitchen, bathroom and toilet, are part of the completed project.

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Another 21 existing pitches have also been refurbished and reconfigured, providing an extra 15 spaces.

Energy efficiency was a big focus, with additional insulation fitted to existing buildings and innovative heating and hot water systems introduced.

Michael Newey, chief executive of Broadland Housing Association said: “Building partnerships has been the key ingredient in bringing this project to fruition.

"Without Norwich City Council we would not have been able to do it, and funding from Homes England and the housing Ministry gave us the wherewithal to complete the project."

Cllr Emma Hampton, deputy leader for Norwich City Council, said: “I am very pleased the Swanton Road site development has been completed.

“The extensive rebuild and renovation means we now have 31 different pitches, and brand-new facilities, which are affordable, comfortable and energy efficient.”

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Emily Brazil, 64, a long-term resident at Swanton Road, praised the redevelopment: "I have never had it so good," she says.

"It is warm and affordable to heat, there is plenty of space for the children to play.

"I feel like I have a proper home now."

The project is a successful step towards combating fuel poverty within the community and helping those who have struggled to find satisfactory housing.

It symbolises an essential commitment to ensuring affordable and comfortable housing for communities in need.