A council leader has met with the bosses of two charities to discuss how they can support them over the coming year.

Led by the council member for Old Costessey, the meeting involved discussing upcoming plans with representatives from Costessey First Responders and MTM Youth Services.

Expressing her connection with these organisations, she explained the vital role they play.

She said: “Costessey First Responders are everyday heroes who provide immediate care in emergency situations, often arriving before an ambulance.

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"Their prompt actions save lives and offer critical support to our community in moments of need.

"MTM Youth Services is dedicated to empowering our young people aged 11 to19.

"They provide support for young carers, guidance, mentorship, and a safe space for the youth to grow.

"Investing in these services helps build a brighter future.”

Glyn Taylor from Costessey First Responders said that they were "immensely proud" to have this support, which would prove crucial for their operations.

Mr Taylor said: "Cllr Sharon Blundells’ support for us will have a significant impact on what as a group we can provide for our community."

Emphasising similar sentiments, Sam Mason from MTM Youth Services noted the importance of their work with youth being recognised.

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Mr Mason said: "It's very exciting to be supported by Council Chair Sharon Blundell.

"We really believe our work with young people in South Norfolk makes a difference to their lives, and having that recognised makes us immensely proud.”

As part of the next steps, the Council Chair is enthusiastic about closely working with these charities for the next one year, promoting the services they provide, and encouraging their initiative in the local areas.