An Instagram account is leaving even lifelong Norwich locals stumped with his daily geo-guessing challenges.

User @Guess_Norwich started posting daily photos of our fine city back in June, challenging people to put a name to the place of various obscure scenes.

"I wanted to give people a consistent daily challenge," said the account, run by an anonymous local photographer.

Can you guess either of these unidentified Norwich spots? (Image: @Guess_Norwich on Instagram)

"It brings me a lot of joy to find little places for these pictures. I love Norwich. I love this city."

An intimate knowledge of Norwich's nooks and crannies is showcased across the account's various urban scenes.

Can you guess either of these unidentified Norwich spots? (Image: @Guess_Norwich on Instagram)

Some daily challenges are easier than others, featuring sights that any local might recognise. 

But others are more abstract, showcasing back alleys and graffiti-covered garages that only those who know our fine city best would ever guess.

"I hope it comes across in the pictures that Norwich is like a family member to me," he added. "I've lived here all my life. so the places I take pictures of have personal meaning to me.

"I'd like to grow the account, not because of the numbers but because more people means more community. I'd like to grow our community."

Can you guess either of these unidentified Norwich spots? (Image: @Guess_Norwich on Instagram)

The account has amassed nearly 500 followers since starting in June.

"I've been doing this for 74 days, and there are still locations that nobody has guessed yet. Some people complain that they're too difficult.

"People are so used to seeing pictures of the castle and cathedral, so I like taking pictures of the more everyday places in Norwich, like people's commutes."

Up for the challenge? If you think you can put a name to the place of any of these currently uncracked spots, have a go by leaving a comment here and on @Guess_Norwich on Instagram.