A 20-year-old man was arrested after attempting to supply drugs to an off-duty police officer at a Norwich music festival, a court has heard.

Fletcher Rogers had attempted to sell drugs to the officer in a bar at the Kisstory event at Earlham Park.

Norwich Crown Court heard the officer contacted a security guard on the gate at the venue who pulled Rogers to one side and searched him.

Martin Ivory, prosecuting, said he was found to have 11 small bags containing cocaine worth between £440 and £550.

Earlham Park, NorwichEarlham Park, Norwich (Image: Newsquest)

Police were called on June 10 last year and further quantities of drugs were seized from his home, including cocaine and MDMA.

Mr Ivory said Rogers' mobile phone was also seized and found to contain drug dealing messages to six named individuals.

He said the recipients all "knew each other".

Rogers, of Hollingsworth Road, Lowestoft, appeared at court for sentence this week.

He had previously admitted possession with intent to supply cocaine as well as being concerned in the supply of cocaine between March 30 and June 11 2023.

Rogers also admitted possession of MDMA.

A previous Kisstory festival in NorwichA previous Kisstory festival in Norwich (Image: Newsquest)

Andrew Oliver, mitigating, said Rogers had been working as a scaffolder but suffered a hand injury and became depressed and "started to use cocaine".

Mr Oliver said his first major relationship also ended and he "got himself into a mess".

He said it was drug supply on a small scale adding that he was no longer using drugs.

Judge Andrew Shaw said: "I can't impress upon you enough just how serious selling controlled drugs of class A is."

He added: "It just destroys lives around the world and it's illegal."

But in accepting the offending happened at a "bleak time" in Rogers' life when he was depressed, and giving him credit for his pleas, Judge Shaw imposed an 18-month sentence suspended for two years. 

Rogers was also fined £1,000 and made the subject of a six-month electronically monitored curfew between 7pm and 6am.