People living in a village on the city outskirts are calling for more measures to tackle speeding after claims that motorists are regularly driving at more than 50mph in a 30mph zone.

Villagers in Woodbastwick Road in Blofield Heath say that drivers breaking the speed limit has been an issue for years and want measures such as a pedestrian crossing or speed bumps installed to stop the law-breakers.

One mum, who lives in Woodbastwick Road with her two children, aged three and six, said that the speeding is "disgusting."

The signs at the end of the village clearly show that drivers should be travelling at 30mphThe signs at the end of the village clearly show that drivers should be travelling at 30mph (Image: Denise Bradley) She said: "Cars often pass along the road at more than 50mph - particularly here, at the edge of the village.

"It's disgusting.

"I have two young children, and there is a pre-school just across the road and a park in the community centre opposite."

A young boy was hit by a car just yards away from Hemlington Primary School in September 2020 and taken to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital for treatment. 

A speed awareness camera at the entrance to Blofield HeathA speed awareness camera at the entrance to Blofield Heath (Image: Denise Bradley) This mother fears that it will happen again soon if something isn't done quickly.

She explained: "Lots of parents park at Heathlands Social Club to collect their children from the primary school. They have to cross the road to get back to their cars but there is nowhere safe to cross.

"It is so unsafe. A little boy was hit by a car on this road on his way to school and it is terrifying for me, as a parent, that it could happen again.

"When I try to leave my driveway - which is on a bend - even at 6.45am cars were having to swerve around me to avoid hitting me because they were going so fast.

"They have put up speed awareness message camera outside our house but you can see the speed that cars are driving at. They haven't made any difference.

"I think a pedestrian crossing could help slow traffic down. Nothing else seems to be working at the moment."

Councillor Paul NewsteadCouncillor Paul Newstead (Image: Broadland District Council) Paul Newstead, who is a Conservative councillor for Blofield, said that people living in the village have been complaining about the dangerous driving for months.

This led to a speed camera team being stationed in Woodbastic Road in May - and the results were shocking.

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He said: "I think someone was recorded driving at more than 80mph past the primary school.

"It is so dangerous. Someone is going to get killed.

"It is particularly bad in the north of the village, where the road is very long and straight before entering the 30mph zone, and drivers tend to be flat out when they come into Blofield Heath.

"I have approached the highways team to see what we can do."

Cars continue to drive quickly past the school - with one car reportedly driving at 80mphCars continue to drive quickly past the school - with one car reportedly driving at 80mph (Image: Denise Bradley) Cllr Newstead believes that having more homes built in the area might help slow the traffic, with a planning application for five houses being considered by Broadland District Council.

"Traffic tends to slow as it enters a more built-up area," he explained.

"Having more homes at the edge of the village could help us extend the speed limit zones."

A spokesman for Norfolk County Council confirmed that options were being explored to help slow the traffic.

He said: "We are aware of the concerns that the local communities have around road safety and speeding traffic in the area. 

"As a result, the local Highways team is investigating these concerns and will update the Local Member and others once these initial investigations are complete."