Fires, new shopping centres and office construction are just some of the reasons why Norwich has lost streets and roads through the years.

Do you remember any of these long-lost roads?

1. Lady's Lane

The Forum in place of where Lady's Lane used to run beside the now lost library (Image: Anthony Kelly) Lady's Lane used to run from Theatre Street to Bethel Street through what are now homes.

When travelling down this road locals would have seen St Peter's Methodist Chapel which closed in 1939 with the congregation moved to a new church in Park Lane.

This road also housed the Medical Institute, built in 1923, and the old Theatre Tavern which closed its doors in 1960.

Lady's Lane was renamed Esperanto Way but was lost when a fire destroyed Norwich Central Library in 1994 with The Forum being opened in 2001. 

2. Synagogue Street

Dragon Hall House has stood strong since 1427 (Image: Google Maps) The now-gone street ran from Mountergate to St Ann Lane beside Dragon Hall and housed a synagogue.

The synagogue was built in 1849 but was destroyed in a Nazi bombing raid in 1942.

Locals will now find St Anne's Quarter where the street used to be - a £85m development with space for 437 homes. 

3. Rising Sun Lane

Standing right on top of where Rising Sun Lane used to be is Prospect House (Image: Google Maps) Rising Sun Lane ran along the site of what is now known as Prospect House, from Golden Ball Street to Rouen Road.

Here the Golden Ball pub sat on the corner connecting each street but was lost with the rest of the road when the office block was built in the late 1960s. 

Rising Sun Lane ran through the car park that now surrounds Prospect House connecting to Scoles Green - the location of the Norwich Walk-in Centre. 

4. Bartholomew Street

Wensum Valley Wooded Ridge Alley is now all that remains of the street with it being replaced by the car park (Image: Google Maps) Close to Rising Sun Lane was Bartholomew Street which ran between Thorn Lane and Horns Lane.

It used to have a view along the street that looked up towards Norwich Castle but due to infrastructure changes, this view has been lost.

Nearby are the remains of St Bartholomew's Church which saw gradual destruction during the Second World War. 

5. Bell Avenue

Bell Avenue connected the Bell Pub to Norwich Castle (Image: Google Maps) Bell Avenue used to run along the south of Norwich Castle down to the Bell Pub now known as The Bell Hotel.

It was a retail space and housed a pet shop as well as bus stops for people travelling around the city.

The road was lost when the car park was extended at Castle Quarter

6. Rampant Horse Back Street

DebenhamsThe road ran through the former Debenhams (Image: Sonya Duncan) This road ran from Red Lion Street into little Orford Street, now known as Orford Place, following through what is the former Debenhams. 

It used to offer a direct view of St Peter Mancroft Church and allowed the public to enter Rampant Horse Street from a now-lost route.