A taxi driver sexually assaulted a woman on her sofa after driving her home from London, a court has heard.

Julkifal Ali Khan, 44, had given the woman - who cannot be named for legal reasons - a lift back from capital before he went into her home.

Norwich Crown Court heard Ali Khan - who had not been working as a taxi driver when he had given the victim a lift - came in and “sat on her sofa”.

Oliver Haswell, prosecuting, said Ali Khan rubbed her thigh and "put his hand under her shirt", touching her breast over her bra.

The victim had been messaging a member of her family about "what was going on" prompting them to call her and giving her a chance to "get away" from the incident.

Ali Khan realised he had "over-stepped the mark" and left but urged her not to "share her experience with others".

Despite this the victim contacted police about the incident which happened on August 1, 2022.

Ali Khan, from London, appeared in court on Monday after he admitted sexual assault on a female.

The father-of-three, who has also worked in the hospitality industry as a waiter, had initially denied the offence but later pleaded guilty to it and spared the victim the ordeal of having to give evidence in the case.

Hugh O'Donoghue, mitigating, said Ali Khan was a married man with no previous convictions.

Recorder Douglas Herbert said the offence, which happened more than two years ago, was "not the most serious sexual assault".

In giving Ali Khan credit for his plea, his remorse and previous good character, he imposed a 12 month community order made up of 10 days rehabilitation activity requirement (RAR) and 150 hours unpaid work.

He was also put on the sex offenders register for five years.