An entrepreneur’s ongoing battle with the council to keep his business open is set to finally end when he finds out if he has won his planning appeal.

Stefan Markovic, who co-owns the virtual reality firm Norwich VR, says he could have to close his business if the decision doesn't go in his favour when the planning inspectorate makes its ruling on December 3.

The business, which employs nine people, can be found in Oak Street and offers virtual reality experiences for up to six players at a time.

The row started over the business' deckingThe row started over the business' decking (Image: Stefan Markovic)

Mr Markovic’s battle with Norwich City Council started in June when he received a letter saying the decking outside his business had to be removed within three months because he didn’t have the correct planning permission.

He was then told the site didn't have the right planning permission to operate as a virtual reality business and that a change of use application should have been submitted.

The business owner appealed the council’s ruling and the case is now set to go before the planning inspectorate, a government body which can override council decisions on planning applications.

If the council’s decision is upheld Mr Markovic could have to close his business.

Stefan Markovic, co-owner of Norwich VR in Oak StreetStefan Markovic, co-owner of Norwich VR in Oak Street (Image: Stefan Markovic)

Mr Markovic said: "The date is now set where we'll sit with both the planning inspectorate and the council to hash it all out.

"So we'll have an answer and confirmation of our future soon."

Mr Markovic said the site was already under the Class E use, which is a broader category for commercial, business and services.

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A petition was shortly set up - which has more than 1,300 signatures - to keep the decking.

He said back in August: "We spoke to the planning inspectorate, who said we've got good grounds for an appeal.

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"Obviously I'm worried for the staff, depending on what happens at the hearing, but I'm hopeful that we'll come out on top."

A spokeswoman for Norwich City Council said at the time: "We have served an enforcement notice against various breaches of planning control."

The hearing date for Norwich VR's future is December 3The hearing date for Norwich VR's future is December 3 (Image: Google Maps)