A woman who fled to Norwich to escape an abusive relationship has vowed to help other survivors in the city.

Megan Campbell moved to Norfolk in August 2019 with her then five-month-old son, Stanley, after escaping a toxic relationship in Milton Keynes.

Megan was in the relationship for nine years where she was physically, emotionally and financially abused.

The 25-year-old who now lives in Lakenham has been trying to empower other victims of domestic abuse to reach out for help.

The artist has created a series of murals across the city featuring messages and helpline numbers for those in need.

Norwich Evening News: Megan Campbell completed the newest piece with her brother Sean Campbell.Megan Campbell completed the newest piece with her brother Sean Campbell. (Image: Megan Campbell)

Megan explained: “I am trying to do a mural every year.

“Last year I had a good response and had survivors message me to say that the mural had helped them."

Megan's first and second pieces are both located in the Anglia Square car park.

For her 2022 piece Megan teamed up with her brother Sean Campbell, owner of Stay True Illustrations in the city, to create the ‘There is no excuse for domestic abuse’ piece.

Megan added: “We are both quite creative.

"He was able to bring his professional expertise to create the more intricate parts of the mural and I was able to do the writing.”

The siblings hope that the mural will help to highlight the issue.

Megan said: “For those who do not see domestic abuse as a big issue, it shows that this is still happening and it is hoped the artwork will make them think."

Norwich Evening News: Megan and her brother also did a mural last year and they plan on doing them annually.Megan and her brother also did a mural last year and they plan on doing them annually. (Image: Megan Campbell)

Megan wants all people and genders to try to spot these problems in relationships as early as possible.

She said: “If you feel isolated or anxious around your partner, it is not acceptable and there are people who can support you.

“If you are unable to talk to your family or friends there are people who can help you.

“It is not a nice process but it will be worth it in the end. You deserve to be safe.”

Any survivors or people in need of support can contact charity Leeway on 0300 561 0077.