A man who carried out an unprovoked attack on a man leaving him unconscious and 'helpless' on the ground in Norwich's Prince of Wales Road has been jailed for 12 months,

Jason Millan, 43, swung a single punch at the victim causing him to fall backwards and bang his head on the pavement, Norwich Crown Court heard.

Chris Youell, prosecuting, said the victim suffered bleeding to the brain and spent six days in hospital as he was transferred to the head injury unit, at Addenbrookes, in Cambridge.

In an impact statement, the victim said he suffered with headaches and dizzy spells as a result of the attack as well as a loss in earnings. He could not remember anything about the incident, which had left him fearful about going out at night.

Mr Youell said that there were several witnesses to the attack and Millan was arrested shortly afterwards.

He said one witness had said Millan punched the victim for 'no reason.'

Millan of Cowgate, Norwich, admitted causing grievous bodily harm on December 23, last year,

Jailing him, Judge Katharine Moore said the victim had the 'misfortune' to meet Millan while on a night out with friends, in Norwich.

'You had been drinking and without any provocation you threw a punch.'

She said Millan had left the victim 'clearly helpless on the ground.' and said the impact on the victim had been 'significant.'

Judge Moore accepted that Millan had a number of difficulties and suffered from depression and anxiety which could explain his behaviour but added: 'It does not come anywhere close to excusing your conduct.'

Michael Clare, for Millan, said there had been an earlier incident that evening and Millan's perception had been that the victim was involved in some way.

'He had lost his temper because of what happened to him. It is no consolation to the man he has hit.'

Mr Clare said Millan owned up at the first opportunity.

'He is someone with issues who at times feels vulnerable and depressed.'