Volunteers at a Norwich community centre say they hope the two teenage boys found guilty of an arson attack on their building 'realise the seriousness' of what they did.

Norwich Evening News: The Phoenix Centre reborn and in use again after the fire. Trustees and volunteers Peter Lemmon and Sonia Kiddell. Picture: Denise BradleyThe Phoenix Centre reborn and in use again after the fire. Trustees and volunteers Peter Lemmon and Sonia Kiddell. Picture: Denise Bradley (Image: copyright: Archant 2013)

The boys, aged 15 and 16, have both been given 12-month rehabilitation orders, including a year's supervision and 60 hours activity requirement, for causing an estimated £100,000 of fire damage to the Phoenix Centre in Mile Cross.

Norwich Evening News: The Phoenix Centre reborn and in use again after the fire. The Mile Cross Playscheme back using the centre. Picture: Denise BradleyThe Phoenix Centre reborn and in use again after the fire. The Mile Cross Playscheme back using the centre. Picture: Denise Bradley (Image: copyright: Archant 2013)

The community centre was damaged by fire on Saturday, December 15, with the many groups that use the building losing toys and equipment to the flames, as well as some Christmas parties having to be cancelled.

The pair, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were found guilty of arson in June and returned to Norwich Youth Court on Tuesday to be sentenced.

The boys were also ordered to pay £200 each in compensation to the trustees of the centre in Mile Cross.

Centre manager and trustee Peter Lemmon said two old sofas had been out the back of the centre to be thrown away and the boys had set fire to them.

'I don't think they meant to do what they did when they set fire to the sofas but it got out of hand and they got frightened,' Mr Lemmon said.

'I think they should have got a bit more of a serious punishment because I don't think they realise they have done anything wrong.

'Half of me wants to forgive them, but the other half can't.'

Members of the community stepped forward to donate funds, toys, hands-on help and use of facilities to help the centre, which is used by youth clubs, fitness groups and churches.

The majority of repairs are now complete and groups have been using the centre's main hall again this week, although redecoration is still needed

Trustee and volunteer Sonia Kiddell added: 'There has been a lot of hard work since Christmas.

'I just hope they realise the seriousness of what they have done. I hope they learn from this experience and some good comes from this.'