A scammer in a Norwich suburb has been pretending to sell items from a 'National Trust property' to steal cash.

Norfolk Trading Standards warned of the pressure seller who has been trying to sell garden furniture and trees in Drayton.

It comes after a report on October 31 said a man cold called at a home in the area showing them several olive trees and garden furniture in the rear of a large sign written van.

Trading Standards says the man is known to use aggressive selling techniques including:

  • Claiming that ‘neighbours have made purchases’ and they suggested coming to you as well
  • Using a brochure showing the items and their ‘catalogue price’ which can often be heavily inflated
  • Stating that items are ‘discounted’ as the location where the items were stocked is closing or that it is ‘the end of the season’
  • Claiming that by purchasing an item for full price additional items can be included ‘free of charge’

It also said items shown by the cold caller and the actual items delivered, which are usually in boxes on the van, can be different or inferior quality versions.

The scam can be reported via the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 0808 223 1133 or Norfolk Constabulary via 101, but if anyone is in danger victims should call 999.