Plans have been unveiled for a new sports pavilion and nursery to serve a growing community on the edge of Norwich.

Big Sky Living, the developers of the St Giles Park housing development at Cringleford, is working with Cringleford Parish Council to build the new Jubilee Centre.

The developer - a company owned by South Norfolk Council - is lodging plans with the authority to build the centre at the park, close to the junction of the A11 and A47.

It is hoped construction can start in early 2023, with the building opening by the end of next year.

The centre will include changing facilities and toilets to serve the new sports pitches being provided by Big Sky at St Giles Park.

And a multi-use hall will be big enough for two badminton courts.

Cringleford Parish Council is also hoping a nursery school, with 30 places, can use part of the building.

Norwich Evening News: The Jubilee Centre could also be home to a new nurseryThe Jubilee Centre could also be home to a new nursery (Image: Big Sky Living)

Spencer Burrell, director of Big Sky Living, said: “During the course of our development, we have built up an excellent working relationship with Cringleford Parish Council.

"As part of our development, we are providing sports pitches and are required to deliver changing facilities.

"Our relationship with the parish council has allowed us to work closely together to deliver an enhanced facility that will not only benefit the residents of St Giles Park but also the wider community of Cringleford.

"We will be jointly funding the Jubilee Centre and, once we have overseen its construction, it will be owned and operated by the parish council.”

Trevor Wang, chair of Cringleford Parish Council, said: “The rapid expansion of housing development in Cringleford has put enormous pressure on our recreational space.

"The new facilities at St Giles Park will make a significant difference to what Cringleford has to offer its residents, but it is just the first step in the implementation of the parish council’s recreational strategy, with several more exciting developments to come over the next few years.

"It will also address the demand for more nursery places in the area.”

A decision will be made by South Norfolk Council in due course.