Motorists living in a busy city suburb have aired their frustrations about the parking situation on their streets.

Deborah Gihawi, of Eade Road, fears there will soon be more of a mounting parking issue in NR3.

She and her husband Jamal have Zone J parking permits but since their son Abraham returned he has been unable to park as only two permits are allocated per household.

Norwich Evening News: Those parking in Eade Road in NR3 need a Zone J parking permitThose parking in Eade Road in NR3 need a Zone J parking permit (Image: Maya Derrick)

She stated that cars to them are "vital".

Mrs Gihawi said: "We're now in a bit of a pickle.

"But a lot of people down here currently don't have cars - and many don't have two.

Norwich Evening News: Debora Gihawi has lived in Eade Road, Norwich since 2000Debora Gihawi has lived in Eade Road, Norwich since 2000 (Image: Maya Derrick)

"What's the long-term solution?"

She explained how during the day, when permits are needed to park, the roads are empty but at night the street is completely filled.

"What are we paying for?" she added.

Norwich Evening News: Although empty in the day, Mrs Gihawi said is hard to park at nightAlthough empty in the day, Mrs Gihawi said is hard to park at night (Image: Maya Derrick)

"There's no solution. The council could come up with one."

Mrs Gihawi suggested that unused permits from other properties could become available to those in need of additional parking to meet demand.

She stated that the council advised Abraham to park in nearby Waterloo Park Avenue - where there's no to permit to park - but has been met with disgruntled neighbours requesting that parking there be reserved for occupants.

Norwich Evening News: Cars parked in Eade Road, NorwichCars parked in Eade Road, Norwich (Image: Maya Derrick)

She added: "They are putting up signs, running chains tree to tree and putting out cones.

"But they don't own the road and my son pays his taxes."

Robin and Maureen Clare have lived in Waterloo Park Avenue for 40 years.

Norwich Evening News: Robin and Maureen Clare of Waterloo Park Avenue with the signs outside their property asking people not to park thereRobin and Maureen Clare of Waterloo Park Avenue with the signs outside their property asking people not to park there (Image: Maya Derrick)

The couple are politely asking motorists to respect the verges, which have recently been seeded.

Mr Clare said: "Over the years they've been destroyed by parking.

"We've re-seeded and re-turfed at our own expense.

Norwich Evening News: The sign outside Mr and Mrs Clare's property asking for people not to park on the grass vergesThe sign outside Mr and Mrs Clare's property asking for people not to park on the grass verges (Image: Maya Derrick)

"We can't stop people parking here, we ask people are considerate.

"It's an issue that does need to be discussed."

Mrs Clare added: "Some park all four wheels on the grass.

Norwich Evening News: A sign outside Mr and Mrs Clare's home in Waterloo Park Avenue, NorwichA sign outside Mr and Mrs Clare's home in Waterloo Park Avenue, Norwich (Image: Maya Derrick)

"But then sometimes people park opposite the junction. It's dangerous and we've seen crashes."

Labour councillor Chrissy Rumsby said that parking is a widespread issue.

"The issue is not necessarily that they're parking there, it's how they're parking.

Norwich Evening News: A sign discouraging parking in Waterloo Park Avenue strung between two treesA sign discouraging parking in Waterloo Park Avenue strung between two trees (Image: Maya Derrick)

"It's about being courteous.

"But something needs to be done. Permits often solve one problem and create another.

"It's not a straightforward issue."

Norwich Evening News: A sign that reads "This verge is going to be re-seeded. Do not park here."A sign that reads "This verge is going to be re-seeded. Do not park here." (Image: Maya Derrick)

Norwich Evening News: A sign that reads "This verge is going to be re-seeded. Do not park here."A sign that reads "This verge is going to be re-seeded. Do not park here." (Image: Maya Derrick)