What Norwich should be doing to adapt to and help prevent climate change is to come under the spotlight at a special debate.

Civic watchdog the Norwich Society has organised the cross-party event to explore what adaptions the city will have to make.

Hosted by The Rev Dr Fiona Haworth, of St Peter Mancroft Church, speakers will get a chance to present their views and ideas, followed by an audience Q&A, including questions submitted in advance.

Among those taking part will be Liberal Democrat city councillor Caroline Ackroyd, Labour city councillor Emma Hampton, Norwich Conservative Federation chairman Simon Jones and former Green MEP Catherine Rowett.

Willem Buttinger, a member of The Norwich Society’s strategic planning and transport committee, came up with the idea for the debate.

He said: "This is designed to bring people together from across Norwich to think about how we can prepare for the changes required in our city to secure all our futures - we all need to be involved."

It is hoped ideas sparked by the debate will help shape conversations around emerging concepts such as a Citizen’s Assembly, and can also feed into strategies of organisations, such as the recently established independent advisory body Norwich Climate Commission.

A new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change this week said climate change was causing widespread loss and damage to lives, livelihoods, homes and natural habitats around the world – with more severe effects to come.

The report said some global warming impacts are irreversible, as nature and humans are pushed to the limits of their ability to adapt to rising temperatures.

The event takes place in the Auditorium at the Forum in Norwich on Saturday, April 23 from 3.30pm until 5pm.

It is free, but tickets must be booked in advance at www.thenorwichsociety.org.uk/events/special-events

Questions can be submitted in advance via admin@thenorwichsociety.org.uk