Are you an arachnophobe? If spiders aren’t your cup of tea, you might be wondering how to keep them away from your house.

To help you keep spiders away from your garden, the experts at have shared six tips to help you avoid them.

Spiders tend to become more active in autumn and they like to move indoors as well as create webs in gardens as they prepare for winter.

The drop in temperature signals that winter is approaching and not just us humans who notice it – the change prompts spiders to prepare for survival by securing food sources and safe locations.

It’s during this time that male spiders often leave their outdoor webs to search for mates while female spiders may start seeking sheltered spots to lay eggs. 

This increased activity often leads spiders to venture indoors in search of warmth and safety or to build webs in more protected areas of gardens like sheds, greenhouses and under leaves, the experts at explain.

Spiders can build unsightly webs around patios, doorways and plants, making garden areas look messy and if you’ve got arachnophobia, spiders in the garden is a no-no.

How to keep spiders away from your garden

While most garden spiders are harmless and beneficial for pest control, their presence can still cause discomfort for people who prefer their outdoor living spaces to be spider-free.

Reducing lighting in your garden is just one way you can keep spiders awayReducing lighting in your garden is just one way you can keep spiders away (Image: Getty)

Regular garden maintenance

Spiders love dark, dense places like bushes, shrubs or overgrown plants so keeping your garden neat and trimmed reduces the number of hiding spots.

Piles of wood, leaves or unused garden items create perfect nesting areas for spiders so clear these regularly.

They also like tall grass so keeping your lawn trimmed will make your garden less appealing to them.

Natural spider deterrents

Spiders don’t like the strong smell of certain essential oils so you can mix a few drops of peppermint, lavender or eucalyptus oil with water in a spray bottle and apply it to areas where spiders may gather like on fences, doorways or garden sheds for a safe, chemical-free solution. 

They are also repelled by citrus scents so try scattering lemon or orange peels around areas you want to keep spider-free or rub them on window sills, doorways and plant pots.

The same goes for vinegar – a simple mixture of white vinegar and water can be sprayed around the garden.

Native wild animals in the UK

Reduce lighting

Light attracts spiders because it draws insects which are their food source.

To keep spiders away, reduce garden lighting, especially near doors and windows, to decrease the spider’s food supply and discourage them from getting comfy and settling in.

Physical barriers

Check the exterior of your home and garden sheds for cracks, gaps or holes and seal any you find to prevent spiders from entering.

Silicone sealant cheap and effective for this job and installing fine mesh over vents, windows and door gaps can prevent spiders from entering these structures, the experts suggest.

Spider-repellent plants

Add some spider-repellent plants to your garden, including lavender, mint, lemon balm, citronella and eucalyptus. These will also add scent and colour to your garden.

Encourage natural predators

Wild garden birds, hedgehogs and other natural predators can help control the spider population in your garden.

Provide bird feeders or create a hedgehog-friendly space by leaving small openings in fences or hedges. 

Chris Bonnett from said: “It’s important to try and have a balanced approach when it comes to managing spiders in your garden. 

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“While many people find spiders unsettling, it’s important to recognise their ecological benefits. Garden spiders are natural predators of pests like aphids, flies, and mosquitoes, which can damage plants. By controlling these populations, spiders contribute to the overall health of your garden.

“That being said, it’s understandable why some might want to deter them. Webs around doorways, patios, or plant beds can be unsightly, and for people with arachnophobia, encountering spiders can be nothing short of terrifying!

“To manage spiders effectively, focus on natural, non-invasive deterrents like maintaining a tidy garden, reducing clutter where spiders can hide, and using plants or essential oils like peppermint or lavender, which naturally repel them.”