Inquests into the deaths of two cyclists have been adjourned for further review.

Pre-inquest reviews were held for Nicholas Ireland and Sze-Ming Cheung at Norfolk Coroner's Court on Friday, November 1.

Mr Ireland, 76, was on holiday in Holland when he veered off a cycle path and was injured in a fall. He died in Amsterdam on June 21, 2019.

Yvonne Blake, area coroner for Norfolk, said the court was awaiting confirmation over whether a Dutch police investigation into Mr Ireland's death was still ongoing.

She adjourned the inquest for a further review at the same court on December 1.

Meanwhile the inquest of popular cyclist Sze-Ming Cheung, from Hellesdon, who died in a collision with a car on June 7, 2018, has been postponed again.

The 44-year-old's inquest was opened on June 20, 2018 but has been reviewed and adjourned multiple times, with the most recent prior review taking place in September.

At the hearing on Friday Ms Blake said the police were still investigating Mr Cheung's death in the crash in Reepham Road, Swannington and adjourned the case for a further review on January 6, 2020 at the same court.