Journalists at the Eastern Daily Press and Evening News were given a treat yesterday courtesy of a birthday cake made by members of the Norfolk WI.

Norwich Evening News: WI bring cake to EDP Newsroom to celebrate their 100th birthday and Norfolk Day Photo: Brittany WoodmanWI bring cake to EDP Newsroom to celebrate their 100th birthday and Norfolk Day Photo: Brittany Woodman (Image: Archant)

Made to celebrate the Norfolk Federation's centenary year and Norfolk Day, the iced sponge cake made by Carol Matkins and Coral Batchelor was presented to the editor of both newspapers, David Powles by Margaret Collingwood and Mary Dorrell.

Ms Collingwood, chairman of the Norfolk Federation of WIs, said: "We're very excited for Norfolk Day. We're hoping the weather will hold but not be as quite as warm as it has been, and we're very keen to see what's happening across the county."

To celebrate Norfolk Day 2019 the Norfolk Federation of WIs' 5000-plus members are hosting events across the county, answering the brief of 100 ways with cake.

For full details of Norfolk Day events run by the WI visit and search 'Norfolk Day 2019'.