An historic Norwich school has revealed proposals to upgrade its city centre site to address an 'urgent need' for improvements.

Norwich Evening News: Norwich School has submitted plans for new facilities and landscaping at its site in the Cathedral's Upper Close. Picture: Norwich SchoolNorwich School has submitted plans for new facilities and landscaping at its site in the Cathedral's Upper Close. Picture: Norwich School (Image: Norwich School)

The plans for Norwich School include a new dining room and kitchen block, new teaching facilities and landscaping work.

The school has applied for full planning permission and listed building consent for the improved facilities, which will occupy the existing refectory site and adjacent Bishop's Palace Lawn in the corner of the Cathedral's Upper Close.

Norwich Evening News: Norwich School has submitted plans for new facilities and landscaping at its site in the Cathedral's Upper Close. Picture: Norwich SchoolNorwich School has submitted plans for new facilities and landscaping at its site in the Cathedral's Upper Close. Picture: Norwich School (Image: Norwich School)

The development will also see a blocked-up gateway on Palace Street reopened to make an entrance for pedestrians and service traffic, reducing traffic through the Cathedral's Erpingham Gate.

Patrick Smith, chairman of governors at the school said: 'The proposals provide the school with much-needed space and is in response to an urgent need to improve the school's facilities. Our aim is to meet these needs by constructing beautiful buildings of which we all can be very proud.'

Norwich Evening News: Norwich School has submitted plans for new facilities and landscaping at its site in the Cathedral's Upper Close. Picture: Norwich SchoolNorwich School has submitted plans for new facilities and landscaping at its site in the Cathedral's Upper Close. Picture: Norwich School (Image: Norwich School)