A Norfolk police chief has urged people to continue with their “sterling efforts” to stop the spread of coronavirus despite the expected announcement of an easing of lockdown measures this weekend.

Norwich Evening News: Prime Minister Boris Johnson during a media briefing in Downing Street on coronavirus (COVID-19). Photograph: PA.Prime Minister Boris Johnson during a media briefing in Downing Street on coronavirus (COVID-19). Photograph: PA. (Image: PA Wire/PA Images)

Prime minister Boris Johnson, who announced a lockdown in March to help stop the spread of Covid-19, is expected on Sunday to reveal on a road map detailing exactly how restrictions will be eased in order for the country Britons to safely return to work.

But whatever is announced on Sunday the nation’s battle with coronavirus will continue and Julie Wvendth, Norfolk’s assistant chief constable, has urged communities across the county to continue with their collective efforts.

In a message ahead of the May Bank Holiday weekend, she said there was “much speculation” of what lockdown will look like ahead of Mr Johnson’s announcement on Sunday night but insisted the force would be “watching closely and will then assess and consider any implications for our organisation and communities”.

She said: “Lockdown remains in place and while there is hope of a way ahead, I would ask you all to continue with the sterling efforts you’ve all been making in the last few weeks to help stop the spread of this killer disease. The message remains clear – stay at home and safe lives.

“Whatever the announcement on Sunday, we remain committed to keeping each and every one of you in our communities safe.”

She admitted cerebrations of the 75th anniversary of VE Day would “look quite different to what was originally planned” but said the county could “still honour the heroes of the Second World War in many ways”.

She added: “There have been many parallels made between the struggles of the Second World War and the threat we currently face.

“We know the measures imposed have made life difficult for people and created uncertainty for many more.

“We’ve done a great job so far, making sacrifices to protect the NHS and save lives so let’s not stop now. Let’s continue with that effort and observe social distancing so that we can all meet again.”

Ahead of the prime minister’s announcement on Sunday, some easing of measures have already been revealed, including the re-opening of some recycling centres in the county.