Ken Aboh is closing in on a new Norwich City contract confirmed sporting director Ben Knapper.

The highly-rated 19-year-old academy striker is poised to agree a fresh deal to be part of the Johannes Hoff Thorup era at Carrow Road.

City were unable to keep hold of Aboh’s close friend, Alex Matos, last summer prior to the academy prospect joining Premier League Chelsea and making his top flight debut for the Blues, before going out on loan to Huddersfield.

The Canaries would be in line for a compensation package, if Aboh was to depart next month, but Knapper, speaking at Thorup’s official unveiling on Friday, delivered a positive update.

“Look nothing's done yet. So I think it would be remiss of me to talk too much about it. But we're in a really good place,” said the City figurehead. “There's a few details still to finalise. But I'd like to think that we'll get to where we all want to be on that one. Sooner rather than later.”

Norwich City set piece coach Andy Hughes is wanted by Leicester City (Image: PA Archive/PA Images)

Knapper also confirmed set piece coach, Andy Hughes, could depart this summer. Hughes is wanted by new Leicester boss Steve Cooper to be part of his backroom team.

“Again, similar to the last question, nothing is done. There's still conversations on-going around that,” said Knapper. “But what I would say is Andy's a fantastic person, for a start, and a great coach.

"He's somebody that we value a lot here and he's played a big part. He's done fantastic work. If something does get finalised, he would go with absolutely our very best wishes, but we're not there yet. But again, let's see how things develop in the coming days.

(Would you need to get a replacement?) We’d look at it of course. Andy adds a lot of value. Everyone can see from the season just gone the impact that he made around set pieces. If we get to that stage, then we need to have a conversation around how that looks for us moving forward.

“I think it would be highly likely that we'd look to add something, but it's not even happened yet, so we need to just let things play out and then we can act accordingly.”