Johannes Hoff Thorup has no intention of writing off his Norwich City debut season.

The bullish Dane insisted promotion is the target for the Championship club after being officially unveiled at Carrow Road on Friday.

Thorup knows the scale of the challenge, after replacing David Wagner, but believes he has the right blend in the squad he inherited to go a stage better than a failed play-off tilt.

“I will say with the club of the size of this one, the ambition should always be to go up. That's just how it is,” he said. “Then, of course, in football with 24 teams in the league also competing more or less everyone for one of the three spots where they go up, then it's tough, it's a hard job.

“But I think the ambition is there and that should always be the driver for us. Then let's see. I mentioned there will be changes but hopefully not too big so we can perform while we are also building.

"That will be important that we can definitely compete. That's also the feeling that I have. And also when we have conversations around the team that's where we see this team.

“So hopefully we can build while we are also performing in the league. It’ll be a hard job. But that's also why it's exciting.

"If you look at my team in Nordsjælland we had experienced players on almost all the critical positions in the team - the goalkeeper, the centre back, the midfield, the striker - the core of the team. And then you can add on with the younger ones.

“But my captain at Nordsjælland was 35 and I was speaking to him a lot, together with the rest of the coaching staff, but he really had a voice on the pitch as well, because that is just important.”

Thorup was asked to define success in his first season in English football.

“It's always a little bit tricky to measure. I think the success will be that we implement the way that we want to play and that we are very, very clear,” he said.

“We can show a clear identity from game to game so even though there will be losses on the way and we will lose games, everyone can see, ‘Okay, it's a Norwich City team performing’ and that will be important, and while doing that, of course, that we can compete in the league. That's the two main objectives for me.”