A pair of Scotland Yard detectives will give those interested in their work the inside track on the psychology, arrest and charge of a serial killer during a talk in Norwich.

Colin Sutton and Steve Gaskin will talk about the manhunt, led by Mr Sutton, which resulted in a whole life sentence for Levi Bellfield, who killed schoolgirl Millie Dowler along with two other women.

Mr Gaskin, a criminal psychologist and Metropolitan Police detective trainer, will then talk about the psychology behind Bellfield and the nature of criminal psychopaths.

The event, named Mindhunter and Manhunter, will take place on Thursday, October 27, at the Forum in the city and also virtually.

It will begin at 6pm and tickets cost £20 to watch via virtual link and £34.99 each for the two in person sessions.

There are also VIP tickets priced at £89.99.